Thursday, December 4, 2008


It's been a few days since I've been able to actually sit down and think.. let alone write anything. I'm sitting at work again .. Things are so slow right now that I thought I might take a few minutes to write.. or.. err type. But what to type? The economy? Politics? Health care? Bah! all so depressing. So instead, I will try to explain the incredibly odd, hmm... no, quirky place where I work..

First some background... My husband of 18 years passed away May 2nd 2004. Before that time I had been a stay at home mom. We had decided early in our relationship that children needed stability and as long as we could afford it one of us would stay home. It worked beautifully. Then.. the unthinkable happened. It was sudden and so unexpected that it all still seems like a dream.. or like looking through the window of someone else s life. Soon after the initial shock, with no time to grieve I thought "what now"? How was I to support 3 kids on my own with almost no work experience? My oldest was 15 and I hadn't worked in as many years. I panicked! I placed as many applications as I could, and contemplated a possible bar tending or waitress job to help make ends meet.

Then my sister in law called and said they might be hiring in their shipping department and she would try to get me an appointment to apply and interview. I was relieved, thankful and scared out of my mind. I began in shipping and worked my way up to Purchasing Manager at an unusual place place that I have often compared to "the land of misfit toys" .

The first two people that made an impression on me were Carol and Julie.
Carol came down to introduce herself. A pleasant woman with a thick New York accent. She gave me a heads up on the people I would be working with, taking extra care to tell me about 2 people in particular; George and RD.
George, she said, looked scary but was a really nice guy, and RD was a strange man with a fetish for teddy bears (I will explain shortly).
I didn't really get introduced to Julie... but she did make an impression on me, and it wasn't a good one. She came downstairs after being asked to help with that weeks shipments. She was an extremely large woman who was noticeably unhappy with being asked to do this task. Interestingly enough(or not) she also had a New york accent. I must admit I was a bit intimidated by her. I am quite happy that I didn't let first impressions deter me from getting to know her. She turned out to be an incredible person and a good friend. She passed away earlier this year, leaving two young boys behind. She will be missed.

OK Now on to RD and his bears.. RD is in his early 60s and well lets just say he is an interesting Character. When I allow my mind to wonder what his home life is like, all I can seem to picture is Buffalo Bill from "Silence of the Lambs". I am not quite sure why as he really isn't a scary man. Creepy yes but not scary. Well as I said earlier, he has a bear fetish. Yes I said Bear!
He owns over 200 of them all male and all naked. He doesn't just collect bears, which might seem a little quirky, he talks to them. He has been seen on more than one occasion kissing fondling and having discussions with whichever bear he chooses to have accompany him to work on a given day. .. I remember Carol telling me that he liked me and then warning me "Don't let him take your picture!". Well apparently RD has developed an infatuation with a few women who have worked here... and apparently he has taken their picture and they sit on his nightstand (I wonder if he talks to them). I don't really know what to make of him. He is attracted to women but, at the same time, has a unnatural infatuation with stuffed bears. I am sure I will write more about him in the future.. but for now.. lets move on to George.

As I said earlier I was warned not to be frightened by his appearance.. which again had the opposite effect.. anyway...
I met him and really could not understand all the warnings. He wasn't disfigured in any way ...
Ok so he was a bit different. .. He is covered in tattoos from the top of his head to his feet.. and he had at that time I believe acquired 69 piercings .. quite a few of which were in his face. But he was an extremely friendly man, very polite and generous to a fault ... I say was.. because well.. we will delve into that a bit later.. for now lets just say I am not his favorite person.
He lives in what he calls a tool shed.. which is actually a remodeled barn. He is a severe alcoholic who is oddly one of the most health concience people I know... Jogs every day.. watches what he eats.. but carries a bag with at least 5 beers when visiting anyone. ..

So That was Julie, Carol, RD and George... there are more interesting people that work here... I am sure I will mention them on more than one occasion...... but this post could go on for days.. and well I really do need to get back to the real world.