Sunday, August 14, 2011

It's Sunday morning and my little ones are running around with the dog ... I am  enjoying my coffee and contemplating a few things.  Clay for one.. We have been dating over a year and he still hasn't met the kids.  I suppose thats ok ..but I wonder where we will be in another year.  Will we ever progress past seeing each other once a week...and if so.. is that enough?  Right now I suppose it is..I miss him terribly when I am not with him but it is manageable.  I did mention to him again that we should get together just to introduce him... but he got quiet. He is going through a lot right now so I really don't want to push the issue too much. We have sort of become comfortable with how things are right now...but I think I may want more, someone to come home to at night, to share my life with. I want him to be that person.. but I don't know if that will ever happen. It makes me a little sad to think he will never be ready for that but I am not ready to give up on it just yet. He makes me happy. He has all  the qualities I need in a man... He is strong, thoughtful, caring and we share some of the same values. Could this be love? Could I be lucky enough to find this twice in one life?
A girl can hope:)