Monday, January 19, 2009

Self Preservation vs. Conscience

So.. I gave the letter to the President of the company.. I wanted to take the cowards way out and give it to Tina(She is HR in our company) but she, of course, had already told him that I was writing one up and when I brought it to her she just about pushed me into his office to speak with him.
Tina is like that... I love that woman.. she is rough on the exterior but she genuinely tries her best to help everyone all the time.

Anyway.. it's done and I feel horribly guilty. As I said.. I did not badmouth anyone.. just stated my qualifications for the job.
I mean logically.. I am already doing most of the job ... and I'm good at it... she is paid more than I am.. We really only need one manager. She is planning on leaving before the end of the year..and well with 3 kids to support pretty much by myself.. I really need my job..

My struggle isn't with the logical side.. my struggle is with the ethical.. moral side.. She is my friend.. she doesn't have children to support but she does have a mortgage and bills to pay. She is a bit older than me and she really isn't qualified for the job she has so making the salary she does will not come easy.. and well it just seems like I am stepping on toes to get ahead..

Maybe I am.. But I really do not know what else to do.. I have my resume out there so who knows.. maybe someone will bite and I can avoid the whole situation..

Another thing that I now have to consider is daycare for my Munchkin. My daughter and I alternate work hours so that one of us is home with him.. Mr Redmond made it pretty clear that he was going to choose me but that I will have to work regular 9 to 5 hours.
There was no bending there.

I really hate putting Joaquin in daycare.. I love that he always has someone home with him that loves him.. but I am left with no options.. if I lose this job I will have to put him in daycare anyway once I find a new one.

I made a tough decision that I hated .. I did talk to Tina about my feelings.. and in her firm but reassuring way said..
"Remember when you got the management position I told you not to be afraid to step on some toes and that the time would come when you had to? Well, that time has come."
I guess she's right.. still doesn't feel good.

I'm not sure if I did the right thing.. and well Karma might just bite me in the ass a few years down the road .. but for now.. desperation and self preservation have won over conscience.

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