Thursday, November 13, 2008


So now begins my journey into blogging. Sharing my life, including the thoughts I would normally keep locked in my head.
Lets get started, shall we?
I am a single/widowed (sort of) mother of 4 children ranging in age from 1 to 20. Long span I know! I sometimes feel like I will never NOT have a little one clinging to my hip! But as I said, I wouldn't change it for the world. They are not the most well behaved polite thoughtful kids in the world but they do keep me entertained and I love them with every fiber of my being.
It is an extremely rare day where I actually utter the words "I'm Bored" and on that rare occasion it was probably someones thoughtful idea to give me a break from them.
They are the center of my world.. so it's only fitting that I introduce them.. First there is my Ana (Anastasia) She is 20 years old, slightly introverted, extremely anti-social and has been in a relationship with a wonderful young woman named Allison for a bit over three years. She is my rock, my angel in more ways than I think she even knows.
Next there is Eddie. He is my little man, though he is not so little anymore( He's 14). A sometimes difficult child. Strong willed, funny, sweet and I suppose as all 14 year old boys are, somewhat lazy. He dislikes school and although he is very bright has been doing so poorly I have been contemplating homeschooling him. He makes a point to make certain I smile every day.
Now on to my little Princess Marissa. She is 8 years old and very much a princess. She is a tiny little thing that everyone tries to feed because they swear she can't possibly be eating enough. She loves animals, writing, and of course being the center of attention. Sweet as can be.. still wants to be my baby girl though she sometimes acts like she is 30. If things don't go her way.. watch out! All that said.. I cannot neglect to mention that she is very much like me.. so much so that people have been known to call her my "Mini Me".
Last but most definitely not least is my munchkin.. Joaquin (J.J.)is 13 months..loves to make you laugh... sweet as sugar .. and learning that kisses make people smile.. and they sometimes get you cookies. He was a surprise to all of us. I really didn't think I would have any more children since my husband passed away. But here he is making my life and just about everyone else he meets lives just a little bit brighter.

Now that you have been properly introduced to the center of my world.. lets explore the rest...
Follow me. ...

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