Thursday, June 28, 2012

It's been 4 days of extra B12 a  multivitamin  and my regular dose of CLA ..which is typically for weight loss but helps my joint pain immensely.  Not quite sure if it is pure will power or if the supplements are actually helping but I do feel a bit better than I have the past two weeks. 

On another note.. it's been 4 months since Jack has paid child support. The Florida Child Support Enforcement Agency (CSE) is living up to it's horrible reputation. A judge denied Jacks petition for a paternity test back in December; in March I received an appointment notice for genetic testing. Confused, I called child support and they told me to call the Clerk of Court, which I did, only to be told to go to my local CSE office with the letter to work it out. I did.. and no one could tell me why I received this letter because they had no record of it. Must have been a mistake...They made a note in my file and told me not to worry about the appointment.. In May I received yet another appointment letter saying that they had rescheduled my appointment.  Again I called CSE and the Clerk of Court.. both saying it was the other agencies responsibility to fix it... but that this time, even though te Clerk of Court had no record of a judges order for testing, there was indeed an appointment in the CSE database and I had neglected to make the first one... Also letting me know that they would not begin enforcement actions until the results came back.  Needless to say, I was more than a little frustrated.  But a prepared myself to miss yet another day of work just to get it over with.  Two days before the appointment I faxed the local CSE office administrator and explained both the situation and my frustration (there is no local phone number available).. She called me the next morning apologizing and assuring me that I did not have to go to the appointment.. also assuring me that she had made 2 notes and called the testing facility to cancel, and that she had no idea why someone told me they would not pursue the child support until the testing was completed because it simply wasn't true .. Well I wish I could say that they at least sent im a letter that day.. but they haven't.. I called yesterday and the worker seemed baffled at the fact that there had been no action taken since April .. but assured me .. YET AGAIN.. that she would put a note in my file for the local office to pursue...  Something tells me that before my munchkin is 10 they will run out of room to post notes... Maybe then they will actually look at my file.. if for nothing else but to purge it and begin again.....We shall see..

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